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Our Schedule

School days are specifically organized to allow for a balance of active and quiet times so that children will have the focus and energy they need to participate fully at all times, from large groups to small groups and individual activities.


  •  9:00 - Children arrive and free play occurs

  •  9:30 - Circle time

  •  9:45 - Play on the big playground

  • 10:15 - Hand washing

  • 10:30 - Snack time

  • 10:45 - Group time and table activities

  • 11:45 - Free play time 

  • 12:25 - Clean up

  • 12:35 - Circle time

  • 12:45 - Hand washing

  • 12:50 - Lunch

  •  1:00 - Parents arrive; the school day ends

Parent Workday Positions

Below is a description of the jobs that parents assume as parent-teachers during their workday at the school. The positions rotate weekly, so parents get an opportunity to experience every position at the school.


  • Security - Remains at security post throughout the day; makes certain no child leaves the schoolyard without their parent or guardian.

  • Art Facilitator - Sets up easels, prepares and assists with art projects for the day, helps set up outdoor equipment.

  • Kitchen - Cleans and sanitizes kitchen and bathroom at the beginning and end of the day.

  • Outdoor Interests - Sets up outdoor equipment; after snack, sets up outdoor activity and plays with children.

  • Teacher's Assistant - Assists the teachers, helps gather children onto the rug during group time.


Tips for Working With Children


The way we look at it, you already know a lot about working with children. On your school workday you will simply give the same loving guidance you offer your own child to the other children at the co-op. Parent workers and teachers need to work together to provide consistent guidance and clear expectations for the children when they are at school. With that in mind we ask you to follow these guidelines:


  • Praise positive behavior. "I like the way you're listening to me today."

  • Let the children do their own artwork. Refrain from helping children or making samples. If a child asks for help say "You're doing a fine job on your own. I like the way you used blue in this corner."

  • Warn the children of impending changes. "It will be clean-up time in 5 minutes."

  • Get down to the children's level. When speaking to a child, kneel down so that you can look each other in the eye comfortably.

  • Don't give the child choice if there isn't one. "Now it's time to wash our hands." Not, "Do you want to wash your hands?"

  • Don't yell from a distance. Get close to the child when you need to deal with a situation and speak in a calm, clear voice.

  • Encourage sharing. "Jack has the bike now, but you can use it in a few minutes." Or, "You can take turns with the red shovel, then you both get to use it."

  • Find creative ways to get the children to clean up. Instead of saying, "You have to help clean up." Say, "See if you can put away five things that are red."

  • Don't worry if your child is clingy. Accept his or her need to be close to you and work around it. We've all been there at one time or another, so the other parents will do what they can to help out.



Positive guidance is a way of providing guidance to children by speaking to them in a way that focuses on building up a child’s self-control rather than soley focusing on a behavioral outcome. The idea is that it is not the job of parents and teachers to eliminate conflict, disappointment, and frustration from the lives of our children, but rather to teach children how to appropriately deal with those situations and emotions. To that end, below is a table that illustrates how to talk to children using the principles of positive guidance.

LFNS Language table.jpg

Physical Address: 3401 Riverside Dr, Los Angeles, CA 90027

Mailing Address: P.O. Box 39495, Los Angeles, CA 90039

Phone: (323) 662-8300
Hours: School Days 9:00am to 1:00pm
General Inquires:
Copyright 2024 
Los Feliz Nursery School


Los Feliz Nursery School admits students of any race, color, national and ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the school. It does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national and ethnic origin in administration of its educational policies, admissions policies, scholarship and loan programs, and athletic and other school-administered programs.

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